Cologne, koelnmesse trade fair
Profondo Reply and Portaltech Reply participate in dmexco, the world’s leading exposition and conference on digital marketing, taking place at Cologne Trade Fair on 14 – 15 September 2016. “Digital is everything – not every thing is digital“ is this year’s motto of dmexco. Once more the event will present itself as the leading global innovation platform of the digiconomy featuring disrruptive disruptive trends from the industry.
As Adobe Partner, Profondo Reply offers Digital Business Consulting and supports customers in realizing the digital transformation as well as in optimizing customer experience – from website to mobile app and in retail environments.
Under the slogan “Experience Business”, Profondo Reply presents their core competencies of Analytics, Target, Marketing and Experience Manager at the Adobe stand, hall 7 A011/B016.
Meet us at dmexco and make an appointment via
Portaltech Reply presents everything around digital Marketing and eCommerce at the Shopware booth, hall 6 D040, with innovative trends and news about the features of the latest Shopware edition. Meet Portaltech Reply at dmexco and make an appointment via:
Twice Reply takes part in the debate Attention CXOS - Is Your Customer Engagement Increasing Company Value. The panel is discussing about how can management connect customer engagement to shareholder value. To do this, management must be laser-focused on engaging the customer, ensuring profitable decisions, and improving convenience all along the customer experience. Why does this matter? Can consumers, brands, and businesses all benefit? What does this mean for e-commerce?
Click here for the live video of this debate.
For further information about dmexco