Sustainable supply chain

We select suppliers and set the conditions for purchasing goods and services for Group companies. Our selection is guided by the values and criteria of legitimacy, competition, objectivity, fairness, impartiality, fair pricing, quality of goods and/or services and environmental sustainability. We carefully evaluate service guarantees and available offers.


The Supplier Code of Conduct

To promote the sustainability of our supply chain, our suppliers are required to accept and apply the Group Code of Ethics and the Supplier Code of Conduct. The latter brings together all the provisions, defining the standards that suppliers must comply with in the areas of labour law and human rights, worker safety and environmental sustainability, for which specific monitoring activities are planned.

Annual self-assessment

In 2022, the first self-assessment campaign was launched and in 2023, the sample of suppliers involved has increased considerably. Suppliers were invited to fill in a self-assessment questionnaire on the following topics: Labour, Protecting People, Environment, Safety and Health and Integrity and Transparency.


Declaration of Principles in accordance with the German Supply Chain Act

Reply is committed to respecting human rights and the environment and to taking responsibility for its supply and value chain. We are committed to respecting human rights and environmental concerns within our own business activities and in our global supply chains, and to ensuring that human rights and environmental violations are prevented and that those affected have access to remedy.