Case Study

Telepass adopts MLOps to maximise data value

Discover Telepass's journey towards a robust and reliable Machine Learning system.


The challenge

Harnessing the data generated daily to optimise operations and enhance customer service.


Integrating AI to elevate data utilisation

Telepass, a leader in toll and mobility services, has migrated all operations to the cloud in recent years, establishing a robust platform on Google Cloud. This transition enabled the efficient management of data, extracting value from the vast amounts of information generated through its toll services.

Recognising the immense potential within this data, Telepass aimed to take a decisive step forward by integrating machine learning and Generative AI. This would optimise data operations and establish improved service strategies for end customers.


The solution


The existing platform on Google Cloud did not provide the necessary levels of automation, continuity, and monitoring for the machine learning processes required by Telepass. Therefore, with the assistance of Go Reply—Google Cloud Premier Partner specialising in Big Data—the company adopted an MLOps approach. This solution enables the management and optimisation of machine learning models. Go Reply has developed a comprehensive MLOps platform based on Vertex AI, particularly utilising Vertex AI Pipelines, which orchestrate all phases of an ML model's lifecycle. For each model, the data scientists develop three fundamental pipelines: training, forecasting, and evaluation.

The execution

A new framework

The Telepass data science team began working on real use cases, implementing machine learning solutions and testing them in prototyping environments before deploying them into production. Through automated pipelines and version control tools, the team enhanced transparency and efficiency. To date, they utilise the MLOps framework to develop, test, and deploy over 80 pipelines each month, covering various use cases, including. These include:


Predicting the abandonment rate of specific services to implement targeted loyalty strategies


Developing propensity models for personalised customer interactions


Crafting data-driven customer clustering strategies to improve user experience

THE results

Productivity and personalisation

The adoption of MLOps has enabled Telepass to swiftly implement machine learning models for diverse use cases. These models have significantly enhanced the customer experience, leading to a more personalised and precise service. For instance, predicting the abandonment rate has allowed Telepass to execute targeted loyalty strategies for customers at risk of disengagement. Furthermore, the number of operational pipelines has increased substantially, resulting in greater productivity and a positive impact on business performance.

Founded in 2017, the Telepass Group aims to create an integrated system of services for urban and suburban mobility. A pioneer in electronic toll services, Telepass has evolved into an ecosystem for integrated mobility for individuals and businesses, offering data-driven technological services through a single app—known as Mobility as a Service (MaaS). The platform features over 30 connected services to support flexible, safe, and sustainable mobility, including cashless fuel payments, electric vehicle charging, parking, sharing, and associated insurance products. As a mobility pioneer committed to enhancing freedom of movement, Telepass continually expands its offerings, invests in innovative startups, and ensures access to its services across Europe, making every journey a truly borderless experience.

Go Reply is the Reply Group company specialised in cloud services based on Google Cloud technology. Collaborating with leading firms in sectors such as Telco & Media, Financial Services, and Retail & Manufacturing, Go Reply supports digital transformation processes through cloud application and infrastructure models. The company offers services including cloud migration and strategy, cloud infrastructure hosting, Big Data, machine learning, PCI/ISO compliance, security management, and optimised cloud-based services. With fully structured Cloud Service Management services available 24/7, Go Reply assists customers with managed services throughout the entire application lifecycle.