Case Study

Oracle HCM as a compass of change

A Human Resources Digital Transformation journey
aligning HR processes across 32 countries

HR Oracle platform

Trevi Group has embarked on a path of complete renewal and standardization of its HR processes, for a more homogeneous and, at the same time, flexible HR corporate management structure. Trevi Group has chosen to rely on Business Reply’s consolidated expertise and on the functionality offered by Oracle’s innovative Oracle Human Capital Management Suite to enable this.

The introduction of a dedicated multilingual HR Oracle platform in the cloud, configured by Business Reply, aims to standardize HR processes, to create Global and Unique KPIs, to share information and to develop culture and performance evaluation processes, guided by a transparent and objective model with shared behaviors for all the Group.

Digital Transformation

The main goals of the HR Digital Transformation Project are:

  • Rationalization of the tools supporting HR management by eliminating redundant tools;

  • Homogenization of the operating methods among all the companies of the group to speak the same language;

  • Transformation of HR processes and supporting tools;

  • Efficiency of systems and tools for all users.

Unifying and standardizing

The challenges

The main challenges of the project were:

  • Unifying and standardizing multiple local HR systems with multiple repositories of employee data across Trevi Group’s offices and construction sites in 32 countries;

  • Standardizing the management of 5,000 employees operating in construction and services across the world in line with the company’s globalization strategy, disseminating an accurate and uniform corporate culture and improving the quality of the HR structure;

  • Implementing processes and functions to empower local organizations and companies to manage their human capital in line with corporate strategies and guidelines;

  • Gaining insights and reporting on HR processes and employees’ life cycle with the company in order to make more informed decisions.

The achievments

Thanks to the HR Oracle Platform configured by Business Reply, Trevi Group has been able to achieve:

  • Consistency in HR processes, data, and reporting thanks to the Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) Cloud;

  • Information collected directly from employees’ using a self-service system (employees update their profile directly on the Oracle HCM Cloud platform without going through HR);

  • Real-time reporting and analytics, enabling Executives to quickly gain an overview of HeadCounts, FTE, Costs, Competencies and Skills of Trevi Group’s employees in order to make informed decisions;

  • Better security, accessibility, flexibility, collaboration, reliability, and speed of HR management across the company.

A new Employee Journey

The roll-out phase, which is progressively involving all of Trevi Group’s HR teams and employees, seeks to enrich the employee journey thanks to the functionality of the new application, guiding a change in employee mentality and boosting the company’s ability to disseminate its corporate culture across its offices and locations.

Trevi Group


Trevi Group is a worldwide leader in the field of soil engineering (special foundations, tunnel excavation, soil consolidation and the building and marketing of special rigs and equipment relevant to this engineering sector); the Group is also active in the drilling sector (oil, gas and water) both in the production of plant and the supply of services, and it also builds automated underground car parks. The Group was established in Cesena in 1957 and today has more than 30 branches and is present in over 80 countries. Its success is due to the vertical integration of the main divisions in making up the Group. The parent company TREVI – Finanziaria Industriale Spa has been listed on the Milan stock exchange since July 1999.

Business Reply


A Business Reply é uma empresa do Grupo Reply especializada na criação de sistemas integrados baseados nas soluções de aplicativos da Oracle. Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, a Business Reply é referência em serviços de ERP e Governança Corporativa. Com forte foco em Transformação Digital, como resultado de investimentos em inovação e pesquisa & desenvolvimento, juntamente a um processo contínuo de treinamento e especialização de pessoas, a Business Reply foi a primeira parceira italiana da Oracle a implementar projetos na Oracle ERP Cloud, OTM Cloud e nas plataformas de Serviços na Nuvem. A Business Reply possui e garante amplo conhecimento e entedimento de processos de negócio, junto a uma forte aptidão técnica em todas as soluções empresariais de aplicativos da Oracle (ERP, CX, Transporte e Supply Chain, PLM, HCM, Business Intelligence), adquiridos através de uma vasta experiência em uma ampla gama de parâmetros da indústria.