Case Study

Online shopping is easier and faster thanks to the AI Recommendation Engine

Coop Alleanza 3.0 chooses Syskoplan Reply's recommendation solution to simplify and improve the purchase process for its customers on the EasyCoop e-commerce platform.


The challenge

Ensure a smoother and faster e-commerce experience for users, managing the seasonality of products, promotional items and customer preferences.


Facilitate the online shopping experience

Online shopping is now a consolidated practice, increasingly widespread and constantly evolving. In this context, being able to rely on agile and flexible technological and consumer experience solutions, which facilitate and guide the shopping experience on digital platforms, becomes a crucial differentiating factor. For this reason, Coop Alleanza 3.0 expressed the need to integrate a product recommendation engine on its EasyCoop e-commerce platform: a system that facilitates the user in the purchase process while effectively suggesting offers and new products.


The solution

A consistent and flexible recommendation system

To support the request for Coop Alleanza 3.0, Syskoplan Reply has integrated its AI Recommendation Engine, which uses machine learning, artificial intelligence and statistical algorithms to simplify the management of digital paths and improve the customer experience. This tool, applicable both to the mobile app and on the web, makes it possible to speed up all the main operations that lead to filling the cart and the transaction. Thanks to the profiling and analysis of the user's choice and purchase behavior, every step is made easier. In this way, the user can evaluate proposals and offers for new products consistent with his preferences, while the retailer can convey promotions and campaigns in line with sales objectives. In addition, thanks to low-code/no-code methodologies, the intuitive interface is easily manageable and updatable, quickly adapting to recommendation strategies.

How did we do it

Latest generation technologies and low code approach

Conceived as a “hybrid SaaS solution on a private cloud”, the AI Recommendation Engine is flexible and highly customisable. In addition to Machine Learning and AI, the application was implemented with a double methodological approach; first, indexing the contents, and then creating the recommendation service. This service is designed to offer maximum flexibility to the business department, allowing them to adjust the recommendation rules according to their needs using a low-code mode.

The benefits

From behavior analysis to conversion

The use of the developed solution has generated numerous benefits, both for the company and for the final consumer.



It is possible to know in detail the choices and purchasing behaviours of users and customers, customising the offer.



Thanks to the solution, users can complete their purchase easily and quickly.


Promotion strategies

Coop Alleanza 3.0 may promote certain products or offers, according to its business plan.



With relevant product recommendations, shoppers more easily become loyal customers.

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Product & Accelerator

AI recommendation engine


EasyCoop is Coop Alleanza 3.0's online shopping service - accessible both from the website and from the App - and is active in more than 110 Italian municipalities spread across the provinces of Bologna, Ferrara, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Parma, Ravenna, Forlì and Cesena; and in more than 210 municipalities between Rovigo, Padua, Treviso, Vicenza and Venice-Mestre.