Case Study

JobRad improves leasing experience with new CRM

Thanks to the Sales and Service Cloud from Salesforce, the leading German leasing provider for company bikes now benefits from more efficient and convenient processes in customer support and retail.

#Customer Relationship
#Bike Leasing


The challenge

Ensuring a smooth bike leasing flow for a perfect customer experience

The scenario

Responding flexibly to growth

More than 70,000 employers throughout Germany offer their employees the opportunity to lease an e-bike or bicycle as a company bike via JobRad. As a result, the Freiburg-based company has already brought around 1.5 million bikes onto the roads.

To make the leasing process as convenient as possible for each customer, a CRM solution is required that enables smooth management of customer contacts and interactions while also being easily scalable to allow the company to react quickly and flexibly to growth, changing conditions and the introduction of new, additional services. But the system previously used by JobRad could no longer fulfil these requirements due to its unstable backend.

The solution

A CRM in which every wheel fits into the next

Arlanis Reply transformed JobRad's CRM by implementing the Sales Cloud and the Service Cloud from Salesforce. Thanks to a DevOps approach, the old system could continue to operate without any problems during the changeover while the experts realised the new solution. This guaranteed a seamless transition. For the new solution, the experts customised the Salesforce services precisely to JobRad's needs. Thanks to the modular architecture, the company can flexibly scale and expand the solution in future.

The result

More efficiency and comfort - for customers and employees

The new Salesforce-based CRM solution now offers JobRad a 360-degree view of its customers. The experts have migrated around 14 million data records for this purpose. As a result, the new system allows the leasing provider's employees to easily gain an overview of all relevant sales, service and support interactions with a customer and respond precisely to their current concerns.

Thanks to numerous automation functions, many routine tasks such as the dispatch of contracts, the routing of cases or load balancing for the equal distribution of account ownerships within the team are accelerated. JobRad now benefits from faster and more convenient workflows in customer support and retail, enabling them to offer their customers a perfect leasing experience.


JobRad GmbH, based in Freiburg, is the market leader in company bike leasing with its JobRad© brand. As a mobility service provider, JobRad uses a digital portal solution to organise the leasing of company bikes between employers and employees in an uncomplicated and cost-neutral way. Employees benefit from tax-incentivised company bikes and services related to bike use. Over 70,000 employers with more than five million employees - such as Bosch, SAP and Deutsche Bahn - already rely on JobRad as a sustainable mobility service that attracts talent, keeps employees fit and protects the environment.


Arlanis Reply specializes in consulting, planning, developing and integrating Salesforce solutions and services. Arlanis Reply provides market leaders with seamlessly integrated solutions for all customer related processes for sales, marketing and services – from the initial contact to the long-term service business. Arlanis Reply configures all common Salesforce components such as Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Community Cloud, Marketing Cloud or App Cloud, or adds individual programming with Heroku if required. With Mulesoft, Arlanis Reply provides an integration technology which allows you to develop, build, analyze, manage and monitor APIs and custom point-to-point integrations. In doing so, Arlanis Reply relies on agile project management methods and a project approach optimized for Salesforce introductions, which ensures maximum flexibility.