Best Practice

Enhancing the security of online eSports tournaments with AI-driven solutions

To ensure fair tournaments and online gaming environments, Spike Reply proposes a cybersecurity approach to prevent cheating and fraud.

A growing phenomenon

eSports events have seen exponential growth, offering opportunities for competition and entertainment on a massive scale. However, with increasing participation and prize money, which can reach into the millions, an increasing risk of cheating and fraud has emerged that undermines the integrity of the competition. Among the main misbehaviours are the use of cheats and identity spoofing.

These practices not only compromise the fairness of competitions, but can also seriously damage the reputation of tournament organisers, leading to a loss of interest from the public and sponsors. In this scenario, cybersecurity plays a crucial role in ensuring a fair and secure gaming environment.


An anti-cheat solution

To counter these threats, Spike Reply has developed an game-agnostic, robust and transparent anti-cheat solution. It is designed to protect any video game, regardless of its specific implementation and logic.

The solution not only defends the game against external libraries or processes that attempt to manipulate its settings, but does so without compromising the gaming experience. To realise this, the main cheating methods, such as dll (dynamic link library) injection, memory modification, code injection, bots and scripts were analysed and, subsequently, rigorous tests were carried out on selected games, which made it possible to develop effective countermeasures to prevent cheats from working.

An anti-fraud system

To prevent identity spoofing, a facial detection and recognition software trained on a neural network has been introduced. This system constantly monitors player behaviour to ensure that only authorised participants can play. Whenever a potentially fraudulent event is detected, a notification is sent to match judges, enabling timely and targeted interventions to prevent players from committing offenses.

The facial recognition system is activated in various scenarios:


Unauthorised participant

if an unknown participant is detected.


Participant not

if the participant leaves the gaming station.



if a photo or video of the real participant is used during the game.

Our support for gaming security

Thanks to its solid expertise in the field of cybersecurity and AI, Spike Reply aims to guarantee healthy and safe gaming environments for eSports events, maintaining high standards of competitive integrity and trust on the part of the participants. The developed solution has already proven to be highly effective in detecting and preventing fraud in a number of established games (e.g.: Rocket League, F1 2023 and Assetto Corsa). In addition, tests conducted on various hardware configurations have confirmed that in-game performance has remained almost unchanged after the introduction of security measures. Through these technologies, the entire eSports ecosystem can benefit, increasing the trust of spectators, players and sponsors.

Cybersecurity awareness

To keep up with increasingly sophisticated cybersecurity threats, Spike Reply emphasises the importance of continuous updating: this includes preparation on emerging issues such as potential security threats introduced by artificial intelligence and Quantum Computing.

To increase awareness on security issues in eSports, Spike Reply offers personalised training and awareness sessions, virtual experiences, simulations and cyber-games, aimed at improving the protection of the organisation's data, systems and networks, helping to prevent financial and reputational damage deriving from the increasingly frequent cyberattacks registered in this area.

Gaming house security

To preserve the integrity of eSports tournaments, avoid game interruptions, and safeguard the reputation of athletes and sponsors, it is essential to protect networks, systems, and gaming environments from cyberthreats. A solid infrastructure ensures competitiveness and trust between enthusiasts and investors, creating a fair and secure environment.

Following a Zero Trust approach, Spike Reply assesses the risks of accessing the customers' network and offers tailor-made security solutions, complying with policies and regulations.

In addition, Spike Reply performs Penetration Tests, simulating cyberattacks to identify vulnerabilities before they are exploited.


Find out how to ensure fair and secure competition on online gaming platforms


Spike Reply specialises in security advisory, system integration and security operations and supports its clients from the development of risk management programs aligned with corporate strategic objectives, to the planning, design and implementation of all the corresponding technological and organisational measures. With a wide network of partnerships, it selects the most appropriate security solutions and allows organisations to improve their security posture.

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