Case Study

CARIAD creates centralised data platform for VW

Employees from Audi, Seat and Porsche can now access vehicle data from the entire Volkswagen Group thanks to a solution from Cluster Reply. The cloud-based platform thus promotes the exchange between the brands and the efficient development of new vehicles.

#Data World
#Cloud Computing
#Automotive Industry


The challenge

Make 60 petabytes of data available securely and conveniently across the group to enrich and accelerate the development of new vehicles.

The scenario

Many brands and file formats in one place

CARIAD is a company within the Volkswagen Group that develops software solutions for the entire organisation. In doing so, it supports well-known brands such as Audi, Seat, Cupra, Škoda, Bentley, Lamborghini and Porsche. Every day, they collect a large amount of vehicle data in a wide variety of formats worldwide.

In order to fully exploit the potential of this diverse data, CARIAD wanted to create a new and uniform platform for the entire group that would allow central storage, cataloguing and efficient use. This new standard should promote collaboration and exchange between the individual brands and thus accelerate new developments.

The solution

An impressive database centralised in the cloud

With the support of the experts from Cluster Reply, CARIAD has succeeded in realising a platform in the Azure Cloud that integrates seamlessly into the Volkswagen Group's existing system landscape.

Thanks to this, employees of the various brands can easily access over 60 petabytes of vehicle data via a web app or with special command line tools such as AzCopy or the SDK library. This includes findings from around 10,000 hours of test drives and 1.3 million telemetry measurements. A database that has never before been available to this extent throughout the Group.


How we achieved this

Autonomy and safety in balance

The new platform is characterised by its flexible architecture, which will allow CARIAD to scale easily in future if required. Special Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) models, which not only take into account the official role of a user but also different characteristics, also ensure very precise access control. This is supplemented by the customised assignment of authorisations to read, edit or delete data. This creates an optimal balance between autonomous data utilisation and platform security.

The result

The advantages at a glance


Group-wide exchange of data from a wide range of sources and formats


Convenient use via web app or special tools


Precise access and authorisation management


Easily scalable and flexibly expandable if required


Seamlessly integrated into existing system landscape


CARIAD is the software powerhouse of the Volkswagen Group. It bundles and expands the software expertise within the Group. The focus is on the development of a seamless digital experience and automated driving functions to make mobility safer, more sustainable and more comfortable. With the software-defined vehicle, CARIAD is making a decisive contribution to the success of the Group's strategy.


Cluster Reply is the Reply Group company specialising in consulting and system integration of Microsoft technologies. As a Microsoft partner, Cluster Reply is active in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and works within the Reply network with sister companies in Brazil, Great Britain, Italy as well as the USA. The company focuses on innovation and supports customers in their digital transformation. The solutions range from on-premises to cloud applications in the areas of modern workplace and security, business applications, applications and infrastructure as well as data and artificial intelligence.