Case Study

100 years of goodness: the Loacker campaign that conquers the city

Xister Reply takes the message of Loacker's 100th anniversary to the streets with a campaign that interprets and puts into practice the concept of “Goodness is a Rebels' Choice”: goodness as a rebellious but good choice.

#Social Media
#Digital Experience
#Augmented Reality


The art that transforms the city

The campaign took shape through three murals in Milan, created in collaboration with the artist Alessandro “Etsom” Conti. The artworks represent “rebellious but good” actions set in iconic Alpine landscapes, such as Mount Sciliar and Renon, with Alpine animals as protagonists. The goal? Redevelop forgotten urban areas and bring beauty where it's needed most.



A message that wants to leave its mark everywhere

To amplify the project beyond physical boundaries, Xister Reply designed a tailor-made digital strategy. The launch was accompanied by a promo video that recounts the operation and the making of the murals, enriched by social pills distributed on Loacker's channels. This content ecosystem has made it possible to bring the message of the campaign from the streets of Milan to every corner of the world where Loacker is present.


The collaboration with Guglielmo Scilla and the social activation

In Italy, the project is enhanced by the collaboration of Guglielmo Scilla (@Willwoosh). Through TikTok and Instagram, Willwoosh invited his community to take to the streets and use Loacker's TikTok filter, which allows him to virtually clean up the city's smeared walls, “covering” them with Mount Sciliar, the brand's iconic symbol.


Loacker wafers and chocolate specialties are produced in the heart of the Dolomites, in Auna di Sotto (South Tyrol) and Heinfels (East Tyrol). Loacker was founded 90 years ago, in 1925, by Alfons Loacker and in the beginning it was just a small pastry shop in the heart of Bolzano. Since then, the company has developed into a world-class company active on the international market. Although Loacker's main market is always Italy, where the company holds a leading position, export shares are constantly growing. Overall, Loacker products are sold in more than 100 countries around the world. Quality is the most important characteristic of Loacker products. The pillars of the company philosophy, which aims at very high standards, are respect for nature and the environment, the selection of the best ingredients, and the use of cutting-edge production and packaging technologies. All of this ensures that millions of consumers around the world choose Loacker.


Xister Reply is a digital creative agency of the Reply Group, founded in 2002 in the heart of Rome, Italy. The Xister Reply process ranges from strategy to implementation, offering not only great creativity, but also finely crafted finished products. Xister Reply is guided by its attention to detail, passion for beauty and natural Italian style.