
AWS Summit 2024 Milan

Join Reply at the AWS Summit 2024 in Milan, where you will have the opportunity to explore topics on Cloud Computing, Data and Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and Quantum Computing with our AWS experts.

23. Mai 2024
Allianz MiCo, Milano

Empower And Drive Your Organisation

At the AWS Summit 2024 in Milan, explore how cloud technology continues to drive business innovation. Reply, as Diamond Sponsor, has organised a rich program that includes breakout sessions and at our booth, dynamic demos and practical use cases of our solutions.

Reply has been an AWS Premier Consulting Partner since 2013, with an ongoing commitment to supporting our customers in their cloud adoption strategies. We offer services ranging from digital transformation consulting to comprehensive managed services.

Visit us at booth D04 to meet our experts and attend informative presentations that will provide you with useful insights on how to use AWS solutions to improve your digital business.

Speaker Sessions

Take part in our talks to discover Reply's experience with AWS and stay updated on the latest technological developments.

GenAI: from content creation to collaboration | Theater 1, from 12:15 to 12:30

Generative AI's ability to process natural language and generate content has already impressed the world. However, its scope of application far exceeds the production of text, images or other types of media. Storm Reply will illustrate how Generative AI can be used not only in content creation, but also in the activation of collaborative solutions through Amazon Bedrock and intelligent agents.

AI & Automation in the Generali Group: towards new frontiers | Breakout 5, from 12:45 to 13:30

Data Reply will illustrate how the Generali Group has efficiently migrated its Smart Automation and Advanced Analytics platform to AWS. Through the optimisation of processes and the strategic use of serverless services and Generative AI, they have developed a scalable solution that is universally accessible to the entire Group, enabling services in the ML, AI and Generative AI fields.

Meet our experts

Reply will be present at booth D04 in the exhibition area, where it will present its solutions in the fields of Generative AI, Data & AI, Quantum Computing and Internet of Things.


personal shopper

Discover our personal shopper powered by Generative AI models, able to understand your preferences and needs better than anyone else. By incorporating Generative Models, it ensures that every clothing purchase is personalised and effortless, revolutionising your shopping experience.


Green energy with
RIPA Renewable Solution

Find out how RIPA facilitates cost-effective monitoring of renewable plants, improving the efficiency of Operation and Maintenance teams. The main functions of RIPA will be explored: from the uniform collection of data, to monitoring through KPIs, to the use of AI and ML for production prediction and fault detection, with the possibility of customising the platform by adding new functions and algorithms.


Contact Centers
powered by GenAI

Dive into the future of contact centers powered by GenAI. Using Storm Reply's asset, InDaco, experiments with efficient Interactive Voice Response and VideoChat for a modern and interactive customer service journey.