
Google Cloud Next London 2023

Go Reply is sponsoring the Google Cloud Next London and Public Sector Summit, October 11-12, which will involve discussions on cloud technology and AI with Google leaders and public sector visionaries.

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ottobre 11 - ottobre 12, 2023
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Discuss the next wave of innovation and adapt to an intelligent future

The Google Cloud Next 2023 event returns to London this year from 11th-12th October, this event gives delegates the opportunity to learn about the latest innovations in cloud computing, AI and data . As part of this flagship event, the second annual Public Sector Summit, will take place on October 11th.

The summit will help attendees prepare for an AI future, so you can respond to a rapidly changing world. Go Reply are sponsoring both events. James Hewitt, Associate Partner at Go Reply will be hosting an executive huddle to discuss their paper on 'The Power of Generative AI to Transform the Public Sector'.

Join us at the event where Go Reply experts will be present to share ideas and insights and help you to take the next step.

Go Reply's Executive Huddle at Google Cloud Next London

James Hewitt, Associate Partner at Go Reply will lead a Roundtable discussion on Go Reply's paper
'The Power of Generative AI to Transform the Public Sector'.

This will offer a unique opportunity to delve into the transformative potential of generative Al as a cutting-edge technology, alongside Google leaders and public sector visionaries. Join the discussion on how the public sector can confidently embrace generative Al's evolving capabilities while prioritising safety and reliability.

The roundtable will also provide the opportunity to explore how generative Al can streamline manual processes and
create user-friendly experiences ultimately improving government services for the citizen.

Be part of shaping the future of generative AI in public services, and join the roundtable event.
Contact us if you want to know more about the session.