
Google Cloud Summit Milan 2024

Reply invites you to participate in the Google Cloud Summit 2024 in Milan to explore together with our experts the latest innovations and strategies in the field of cloud computing.

June 27th, 2024
09:00 AM - 07:15 PM
Superstudio Piu’ Milano

Boost digital transformation with the Cloud

At the Google Cloud Summit 2024 in Milan, explore how cloud technology continues to drive business innovation through the latest news in terms of artificial intelligence, application modernisation, and data cloud.

Reply, with its companies Go Reply and Machine Learning Reply, is a Google Cloud Premier Partner and will be present as a Premier Sponsor at the event to present practical cases of our solutions based on Google Cloud technology.

Reply Speakers Session

BPER AI Excellence: How AI Transforms the Future of Banking

Go Reply will talk about how Bper is exploiting AI to improve efficiency, innovation and customer experience.
Bper has embraced artificial intelligence and machine learning to transform its business functions. Starting with the creation of the “AI Toolchain” framework on Google Cloud and Vertex AI, it is developing and industrialising numerous machine learning models, fuelling its Data Driven Banking program.

Meet our experts

Come and visit Go Reply and Machine Learning Reply at the stand to find out how to seize the innovation opportunities made possible by the cloud.

Video Intelligence

Learn how Gemini 1.5 revolutionises interaction with audiovisual content thanks to its advanced video processing capabilities. Identify specific scenes within a video through textual descriptions or images, and get answers to detailed questions about the content. Gemini 1.5 makes the experience of browsing and understanding videos more intuitive and efficient, transforming the way you interact with your favourite audiovisual content.

Generative AI

Explore how, through Generative AI solutions ranging from the automatic generator of product descriptions to the document comparator, to the Travel Writing Assistant, it is possible to revolutionise various sectors such as Retail, Media, Telco and Finance. We will also illustrate the speech analytics solution, which allows you to optimise the performance of a contact centre, and DevGenOps, a methodology that allows you to improve and transform DevOps processes.


Machine Learning Reply is the Reply group company specialized in providing artificial intelligence services and solutions to guide its customers towards digitalization, helping them to become more competitive and guided by data thanks to Smart Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. With experience in deep learning, computer vision, NLP and predictive modeling, the company helps its customers to empower their business, providing them with highly experienced dedicated development teams.