
Reply at DMEXCO 2024

18 to 19 September 2024 

DMEXCO, one of the leading digital marketing & tech events, takes place this year on 18 and 19 September in Cologne. Under the headline “Prompting the Future”, the focus is on the diverse possibilities of digital technologies in marketing and communication. Meet the experts from Comwrap Reply, Neo Reply, Triplesense Reply and Vanilla Reply and find out how Reply can support you in fully exploiting the potential of digital transformation. 

Visit Comwrap Reply at the Ibexa booth in hall 8.1, booth C010, and find out about the introduction of cloud-native digital experience and e-commerce platforms based on Adobe Experience Cloud and Ibexa DXP. 

Neo Reply can help you design, implement and improve customized DXP strategies and solutions for front and backend. Find out more at the Crownpeak booth in Hall 6.1, Stand D020/C021.

On 18 September, Triplesense Reply is hosting an exclusive partner event together with the composable content cloud provider Sanity. The joint customer HiPP provides insights into the successful project with Sanity and Triplesense ReplyHere you can find more information about the event and register directly.

Vanilla Reply, the expert for web applications and e-commerce solutions, presents innovative cloud-based solutions and powerful integrations. Find out more at the Shopware booth in Hall 7.1, Stand D019.

Make an appointment with our experts on site here

Further information about the event and tickets are available here.


Reply [EXM, STAR: REY] specialises in the design and implementation of solutions based on new communication channels and digital media. Reply is a network of highly specialised companies supporting key European industrial groups operating in the telecom and media, industry and services, banking, insurance and public administration sectors in the definition and development of business models enabled for the new paradigms of big data, cloud computing, digital media and the Internet of Things. Reply services include: Consulting, System Integration and Digital Services.

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