26-27 September 2018
Frankfurt, CineStar Metropolis
Comsysto Reply, Data Reply and Storm Reply participate as exhibitors at the AWS Community Days 2018. The AWS Community Days are a two-day tech festival by and for AWS users. Once a year, all AWS users come together to network, learn from each other, and be inspired by deep-dive tech sessions conducted by experienced AWS users and community leaders. On both days, the trade audience can expect presentations on the five tracks AI, Serverless, Containers, Cloud and Software Architecture and IoT.
LECTURE Distributing Metastore Update to short-lived EMR clusters Gavin Perrie, Data Reply 27.09.2018 - 09:00-09:45h Track: Cloud and Software Architecture
In a loosely coupled architecture, distributing updates in a reliable manner to resources that may or may not currently be running is a challenge. In this session see how this has been addressed using serverless services to distribute irregularly timed updates to short-lived EMR clusters across multiple timezones.