
Reply recognized as a representative vendor in the 2022 Gartner Market Guide for Yard Management

Turin, 10th March, 2023

Reply, with its LEA Reply™ Yard Management and LEA Reply™ Dock Scheduling solutions, part of the LEA Reply™ Platform, is proud to be recognized as a Representative Vendor in Gartner’s 2022 Market Guide for Yard Management.

According to the report, “Multiple disruptions, such as impacts from, and responses to, the global COVID-19 crisis and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, have exacerbated labor scarcity, fuel and transportation costs, and increased bottlenecks.” These factors, along with existing gaps in many companies’ yard operations, are the cause for long truck wait and turnaround times, ineffective dock and resource planning, scheduling and poor visibility on the movement of goods.

Many companies still handle their yard operations manually. The automation and digitization of these operations are necessary to improve process control and orchestration, to enable time, resource and cost savings, as well as to provide a better customer experience.

That’s where yard management systems come into play. Gartner states “A yard management system (YMS) supports the efficient flow of work, equipment and materials through […] the yard. It provides an overview of yard operations and supports the planning, direction and control of scheduling, movement, parking, inspection and reassignment of trucks, trailers and containers in the yard.”

A yard management system provides multiple benefits: improved visibility, optimized resource utilization, expedited inbound and outbound transit flows for both drivers and suppliers, as well as improved turnaround and automation of activities to reduce in-yard traffic.

LEA Reply™ Yard Management (YMS) bridges transportation and warehouse management by providing real-time monitoring and information on trucks and trailers in the yard to optimize activities. It supports the execution of end-to-end yard management activities, with a comprehensive range of features like gate flow, dock scheduling, dock management and yard management. LEA Reply™ Yard Management comprises of a web interface and mobile application; it can be easily integrated with any third-party software and advanced technologies such as self-service kiosks, automatic number plate recognition (ANPR),and RFID.

LEA Reply™ Yard Management’s unique strength lies in its microservices-based and modular architecture, that enables the solution to be customized, scaled and rapidly implemented according to the customer specific requirements.

LEA Reply™ YMS and LEA Reply™ Dock Scheduling can be used as standalone applications, in parallel or incorporated with other supply chain execution solutions making up the LEA Reply™ Suite.

Gartner, “Market Guide for Yard Management”, Simon Tunstall, Carly West, Dwight Klappich, Rishabh Narang, 20 December 2022.