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Case Study

The low-cost airline’s digital director, who also looks after the holiday division, explains to TechInformed how the firm is using chatbots and personalisation to handle enquiries and drive bookings.

TOYOTA Connected

Case Study

Toyota Connected leverages Twilio to build a faster and more responsive 'Drivelink' experience.


Case Study
How Twilio Flex “Changes the Game” for Shopify and its 1 million customers.
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Automating back-office to improve efficiency

Case Study
Sprint Reply, a Reply Group company specialising in Intelligent Process Automation, and e*finance Reply, a Reply Group company specialising in Management Consulting services for Finance Institutions, supported Cattolica Assicurazioni in automating its back-office processes.

Intelligent Process Automation: Financial Crime Regulation

Best Practice

We have explored some of the challenges faced in financial crime regulation, and how technology can be applied to help meet evolving regulatory requirements whilst maintaining the agility required to pivot your existing processes to meet new requirements in the future.

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