Best Practice

Accelerating the industrialisation of AI models

Learn how to face the challenges and complexities related to the industrialisation of artificial intelligence and machine learning models with Go Reply's support.

#Vertex AI
#Generative AI

What are the challenges for AI projects?

Although more and more companies are adopting artificial intelligence solutions, thanks to the expansion of Generative AI, the vast majority of AI models are still in the experimental phase, rather than being implemented on a large scale. This means that companies must implement new models in a short time and consistently update existing ones, both in production and in test and pre-production environments.

To manage the entire life cycle of models effectively, it is essential to adopt efficient methods of automation. This involves using updated IT infrastructures with robust and easily scalable resources that are hardly available in legacy systems.

Turning AI into an asset

Thanks to their experience, Go Reply supports companies in accelerating the process of industrialising AI models through a cloud-based solution that can be integrated with business systems. This allows data scientists to develop and train models effectively, letting business users monitor their accuracy, and ensuring that the IT team can guarantee control and security levels.

In addition, Go Reply's team of experts actively collaborate with companies to define an MLOps process that ensures a fast time-to-market and full automation of the AI models' life cycle. This ensures the correct production deployment of models, allowing companies to fully exploit the potential of predictive and generative artificial intelligence.

The main characteristics of the solution


Google Cloud Vertex AI

The solution exploits the power of Vertex AI, Google Cloud's Machine Learning platform dedicated to deploying and scaling AI models, to ensure high-level performance.


Segregation of environments

It is designed to manage the segregation of environments according to the company structure, ensuring optimal resource management.


Promoting models

It simplifies the promotion of models thanks to the use of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), accelerating the transition from development to production.


Infrastructure as Code

Adopt the Infrastructure as Code paradigm for agile and scalable infrastructure management, improving operational efficiency.


Compatibility with other tools

It is perfectly compatible with the business tools used to monitor the models' performance and results, as well as to schedule the execution of the models themselves.


Meet our experts and discover how to create a cloud-based environment for developing tailored AI and ML models using Google Cloud Vertex AI.


Go Reply, a Reply group company, is the trusted partner for embracing digital transformation with the power of Google Cloud. Our specialisation translates into a wide range of cutting-edge services: cloud transformation - we guide companies in the digital era, successfully migrating workloads to the cloud; modernising applications - we optimise existing applications for better performance and greater agility; cloud data & AI - we harness the power of data and artificial intelligence to generate strategic insights; Machine Learning and Generative AI - we bring AI to the heart of business processes to improve efficiency and stimulate innovation. As Google Cloud's official Managed Service Provider, we have partnered with leading companies in various industries. This allows us to offer comprehensive and proactive support to accelerate digital transformation and business success.

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