How we can help
On 25th May 2018, a new European Union privacy regulation was brought into effect with broad reaching implications for all organisations. The regulation, named the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), set a new bar for privacy rights, security and compliance. Here at WM Reply, we have been compiling our knowledge and expertise along with Microsoft on our own GDPR compliance journeys. We have put together a multi-tiered flexible approach to help you achieve your own GDPR compliance. We can provide a full service, beginning with helping you understand the key changes and requirements for GDPR through to assisting you in your journey to compliance and helping ensure you have the right tools in place for reporting and monitoring.
what's on offer?
1 Day - Educate: Book a workshop with one of our consultants to learn the ins and outs of GDPR and its impact on your business.
5 Days - Assess: We will undertake an assessment of your current GDPR readiness in each of the four key areas.
1 Day - Report: We will report back to Senior Stakeholders, CIOs, Data Handlers etc. on your current position and discuss a relevant plan of action with you.
2 Days - Action: We will undertake any planned roadmap of recommendations from our assessment to reduce any identified risks and boost your journey to compliance. Minimum 2 Days (flexible depening on requirements).
10 to 15 Days - Monitor: We will install and configure a Monitoring and reporting solution that captures all of the required manadatory reporting for GDPR Complicance complete with an Action Centre and Workflow system to help you solve any required actions.
Already on your journey to compliance?
Our engagement is flexible and you can tailor your approach from the tiers on offer above. If you feel that you have everything in hand and you are well on your way, give us a call to discuss our Monitoring and Reporting Solution that can help you meet your compliance requirement. Are you ready? We are.
You've just invested a lot of time, resources and money into a new digital solution. But what good is that effort if your employees don't join you on the journey?
Out of the box isn’t always the best solution, especially when your specific business requirements need to be met.
For enterprise businesses, user adoption is key. That’s why we believe it’s vital to build solutions that are easy to engage with; creating a solution people want to use, rather than have to.
Want to discuss your GDPR NEEds?
For advice on how to move forward, please contact us.