
Getting more out of Microsoft Teams

It’s fair to say that life after Covid 19 is going to be very different for every single one of us. No matter your role or the industry you work within, everyone has been impacted. We’re now at the stage where so many of us are starting to figure out what this new way of working will look like. Will we return to offices? Will we have a combination of office and working from home? Will we move to permanent home-based working? Whatever your solution, it has never been more important to think about how you make the most of your collaboration tools!

That’s where Microsoft Teams comes in. You might have heard that at WM Reply, we’ve recently achieved our Advanced Specialisation in Adoption and Change Management (we haven’t been quiet about it) – thank you Microsoft! The reason for that is because we’re pretty damn good at helping our clients to understand what they need to build the perfect digital workplace. In a nutshell, that means having the right tools in place so that your employees, every single one of them, have easy and instant access to the tools they need to do their job efficiently – no matter their working location. That’s why Microsoft Teams has become even more exciting. If you weren’t a fan already (although I’m sure you are), Teams is the platform that will bring everything you need into one space.

Let’s think of it this way...

I’m a shop floor worker in food retail. I have very little time in my day to get online and see what’s going on within my organisation, but I know I need to do a few things today – log into our health and safety management system to read our updated Covid-19 policy, swap a shift next week and read the latest comms that has gone out about ‘Best store in the North West’. I have to do that by accessing lots of different systems, I might even be using shadow IT to speak to a colleague to swap my shift. What’s more, it’s going to take me time and that’s going to frustrate me. It might even stop me getting to that health and safety policy!

Teams has the capability to put all of that in one place – Teams. Because of the integration with Power Platform and other third-party apps, it’s now possible to have all of the things I need to do my job all within Teams. I’m winning! I can open the Teams app on my phone, request to swap a shift, review the health and safety policy and acknowledge I’m up to speed on new requirements, and I can access my local news too.

At WM Reply, we’ve been busy putting this into practice for our clients. Next week, we’re hosting a Teams roundtable to help our clients maximise Teams. If you’d like to know more, get in touch.