
Road to Data Science

In Technology Reply, we believe that focusing on the use of Big Data is a priority not only for IT, but also for the Business and that every initiative in this area should be guided by a “business first” approach.

With the help of our Data Scientists, many customers have discovered how to quickly acquire value, taking full advantage of the new Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technological paradigms, advancing along the so-called “Road to Data Science”.

A journey that combines purely technological aspects with business aspects, placing the first at the service of the latter within a fully Data Driven context.

  • How do you select the correct algorithm?
  • What is the difference between Regression, Classification and Clustering?
  • What are we referring to when talking about Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining or Machine Learning?

Everything starts with a brainstorming session that brings our Data Scientists and players with different skills and roles together: IT managers, architects, managers of the various business areas.

The activities are guided, interactive and focused on an open dialogue and the exchange of knowledge. We discover how, often unknowingly, artificial intelligence tools are part of our everyday life and how these tools are able to automate processes, extract value from data, improve the effectiveness of business actions and help devise new strategies.

The result of this work will be a collection of business cases: Data Scientist Technologies will help evaluate the feasibility and select the most appropriate cases to travel along the “Data Science Road”.