
Big data & Machine Learning

In the contemporary framework, where data has an increasing tendency to multiply and to become the central element in all business contexts, Technology Reply offers the most innovative solutions designed to help customers manage and correctly understand their data.

Big & Fast Data architectures, systems for capturing and interpreting Real Time events and Stream Analytics processes are just some of the real opportunities made available to customers to enable them to take full advantage of the company's information assets.

For us, Big Data is not just a technology, but a genuine “Business Transformation”. For this very reason we strongly believe that having a Big Data platform from which to extract value using predictive algorithms, should be a priority for any business looking to innovate through Industry 4.0.

It is within this mindset that Technology Reply established its competence centre focused on the most innovative themes currently dominating the industry. The centre is home to our Data Scientists,who specialise in data analysis based on the use of advanced statistical, mathematical and computer science paradigms. Through the support provided by Data Visualisation, Data Analytics and Data Discovery tools, Data Scientists are able to identify the fundamental patterns that characterise a data set, making it possible to understand the events in order to anticipate or pilot them. This group is supported by a team of professionals with expertise in distributed architectures and technologies: Big Data Engineers and Big Data Architects.

The methodology we adopt is agile and is based on the CRISP-DM or “Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining” model. Applying our Machine Learning skills, we operate in a wide range of fields; to name just a few: the recognition of natural language for Chatbots and conversational interfaces, image processing for computer vision projects, the collection and processing of data and events in real time to drive recommendation systems, serverless systems to solve optimisation problems and risk calculation with nearly infinite capacity and robotic process automation solutions (RPA).

We pay very close attention to the latest technological trends emerging from the open source world and, thanks to a continuous path of research and development, we test and bring the most advanced solutions to the market, ensuring their reliability and robustness.