Digital transformation impacts the tools we use every day. In our houses, in our cars and at our desks we try new technologies to obtain better results in short times. Digital transformation is changing our approach to productivity and time management. The dynamics of work have evolved and the horizon of "where and when" is increasingly flexible.
Really: Reale Group's new Digital Workplace, was born as a project to support the new way of working and a new concept of collaboration and productivity.
The first requirement was to integrate the 8 Company Intranets and Fabbrica Futuro - the enterprise social network platform developed by TamTamy Reply in 2015 - in a Digital Workplace accessible by all employees, from Italy to Spain up to Chile.
Digital Workplaces are not all the same and there is no a single and standardized formula capable of adapting to every organizational ecosystem. To create a work environment that really improves the work experience, it is necessary to try an appropriate mix, balancing the needs of the organization with the specific characteristics of the company population. The human component is the fulcrum around which the entire ecosystem must rotate. TamTamy Reply and Bitmama worked together to define a set of activities aimed at getting to know the target population, involving users and business stakeholders to give their own contribution and allow understanding of needs and information from an employee experience perspective.
Interviews, strategic workshops, user personas have offered a real “thermometer” of what happens in the company, favoring exchanges of opinions and feedback and offering a starting point to implement functions and tools designed to specific needs. Survey, tree testing and online contest had the task of validating the proposed solutions and confirming the direction undertaken. Over 300 hours of co-design with employees in 9 months and a single goal: to create a platform capable of offering value and benefits for both the entire business and for each employee.
Moreover, the name’s selection involved the company population. After publishing the naming contest on the Starbytes crowdsourcing platform, employees were invited to express their preferences among a range of finalist names.
By analyzing the evidence derived from the Discovery phase, it was possible to identify the 4 main pillars that guided the design and implementation of the new Digital Workplace:
Really is a multi-country Digital Workplace for all Group employees. The platform layout allows each country (Italy, Spain and Chile) to build a personalized home page and to optimize menu items of the first level on needs. The sharing options also ensure the profiling of contents based on user type (company, country, role or type of contract).
Really is accessible, anywhere and from any device, without being connected to a VPN or company network. Employees can access on the move and in smart working, finding what they need inside and outside the company: news, events, institutional content, policies, documents produced by business areas and access to over 600 company tools.
Really has a social wall on which all employees can share posts and surveys, encouraging communication in the company. Each employee has the opportunity to create communities dedicated to individual offices, initiatives, interests and long-term projects by inviting other members to take part. Support dedicated areas facilitate mentoring dynamics and requests for intervention on issues related to the platform and tips & tricks dedicated to the main applications. Informal communication finds the space in the section hosting the notice board, the market and the sharing of personal experiences.
Really is also a customizable workspace based on the most frequent daily activities. A widget in the foreground allows the display of 10 tools and links chosen by the user, minimizing the clicks necessary to reach the applications of daily use. A box on the home page makes the profiled contents visible for each individual user based on the activities in the communities to which they belong. Furthermore, each user has the possibility to customize the way of receiving updates by configuring different types of notifications on the web and / or email in order to be updated in real time on the topics of interest and on the news published on the platform.
Over 200 users are enabled to publish institutional contents including pages, documents, news, press releases and events. Following a co-design activity with the editors, with the aim of identifying the layout compatible with the needs of the individual areas, the authorized users were invited to take part in the training sessions. The editors can now publish independently within the area of competence without involving the IT team or internal communication.
TamTamy Reply supported the customer during all the design phases: by the analysis, to the design of the functionalities, to the design of the user interaction mode and the areas, to the implementation of new functionalities and workflows, finally to the training of the over 200 publishers authorized to publish institutional contents.
TamTamy Reply is the company of the Reply group specialized in the design, implementation and integration of solutions dedicated to digital communities. Since 2007 it has worked in various contexts and market sectors, creating enterprise social networks, platforms of social learning and social intranets and introducing the digital workplace within companies, taking advantage of the social networking platform. TamTamy Reply offers a consulting service dedicated to the design of digital communication initiatives, to community and content management, to the definition of internal corporate communication strategies, to the creation of launch campaigns and interactive online events.