Syskoplan Reply worked alongside Revello to design and develop a new cloud customer experience solution based on SAP Sales Cloud Platform.
Revello is an Italian family company, born in 1945 in a small shop in Verona and constantly growing up to become a solid national reality. Nowadays Revello is characterized by a widespread presence throughout the country, ensuring an effective strategic coverage through an extensive commercial network.
Revello decided to equip itself with a brand new customer Experience application in order to help its salesforce not only to manage customers efficiently but above all, thanks to the support application of the new solution, to increase sales and market share.
The main Revello’s goal is to obtain a streamlined customer information retrieval process, from anagraphic to financial info, in order to have them easily available in a rapid and user-friendly way by making it economically viable. Central requirement is to have a representation of the information in order to give immediate messages about the state of art of the sales force, allowing it to realize which are its best practices and where increase its efforts to improve performances.
“We need to reinforce our market positioning as the best service-oriented partner for the Odontoiatric Professionals. To achieve this, we should adopt a segmentation and targeting approach for our marketing and sales plan. We need a brand new Customer Experience Solution that offers useful customer insight and suggestions to our sales force and help the company to build a strong data set to effectively know, approach and target our multiple client groups with customized offers and support”
Roberto Banzato
Projektmanager - Business Partner, Revello
In order to achieve this, SAP Sales Cloud has been identified as the most appropriate application to satisfy these needs thanks to its strengths of completeness, edge technology and future vision. Thanks to SAP Sales Cloud potentials, Revello’s employees can manage in a strategic way all sales phases with their clients, obtaining a deep added value in their sales process.
For implementing this digital transformation, Revello chose Syskoplan Reply as system integrator. Strong from its previous experiences, Syskoplan Reply has been identified as the best partner able to support Revello in this challenge, by providing its technical and customer experience know-how, in order to develop the most suitable custom solution for his customer.
Syskoplan Reply worked with Revello to design and develop a new cloud customer experience solution based on the SAP Sales Cloud.
For this project it has been decided to use an agile methodology: the standard waterfall approach based on a linear and sequential steps has been overcome by a value-driven method, focusing on standard SAP Sales Cloud functionalities and going to implement minimum changes to the solution on the basis of Revello’s needs.
It has been executed an incremental adoption of the new platform, in order to minimize cost of Ownership (TCO), already low thanks to the use of a cloud platform, defining a subdivision of project in 4 steps/processes. To develop every project waves only 10/15 weeks was needed thanks to SAP Sales Cloud Platform flexibility and completeness.
Moreover, because of user friendly peculiarity of solution it has been found a reduction of adoption time by users going also to speed up training time.
Goal of this wave has been to centralize customers data spread over many sources, integrating on a single platform different kind of data: not only master data but also sales, service, financial and transaction data. Thanks to this integration we have built an in-depth customer overview that provide an accurate frame to all account information that are made available to whole sales and service force.
In the second step, after the construction of a solid integrated database, it has been developed and defined the concept of customer profitability (potential). Target of this wave has been to give to Revello agents and their superior officer a application to measure their performances, comparing their sales data to the potential of clients. This comparison allows to sales force to understand which are their best practices but especially where it’s possible to increase their efforts in order to extend revenues. These information has been highlighted throughout the use of Analytics application like summary reports and KPI dashboard which through their visual impact allow to have a rapid evidence of data.
Target of this step is to provide an application that allow to Revello’s sales force to increase their market share, following the phases of prospect conversion into an actual customer. In fact, also in this case, SAP C/4 Hana standard functionalities allow to set up a complex sales process that from the prospect lead identification gives the opportunity to allocate these consumers among company sellers and so to manage all funnel phases also by the construction of an effective and efficient workflow.
In the final wave the main requirement is to activate on SAP C/4 Hana solution to boost all the interactions between sales force and customer. This can be used to define a precise profile of consumer, defining several target group by which customers can be divided in order to design and develop targeted marketing campaign.
Syskoplan Reply specialises in the consulting and implementation of SAP technologies. As a long-standing and multiple award-winning SAP Gold Partner, Syskoplan Reply reliably accompanies companies on their way into the digital future. We focus on the use of SAP solutions as a central platform for the transformation of business processes and customer experiences. With the customised concepts of the experts, companies secure decisive competitive advantages. They benefit from our innovative strength, agility and extensive project experience in a wide range of industries. Syskoplan Reply's portfolio covers all facets of modern SAP architectures.