Case Study

Transforming Customer Data Into Knowledge And Insight

Volkswagen Financial Services leveraged Storm Reply and AWS to improve the accessibility of its customers' data by aggregating information from different systems within a single environment.

How to develop a customer centered platform considering data protection?

VWFS Italy needed to better understand its customers, building a direct relationship with each of them. Their starting goal was to bring data stored in different business units out of silos, migrating them to a single and accessible customer-centric platform.

But the challenge also included consideration of privacy, data regulation and compliance rules. To tackle this project, VWFS Italy relied on the support of AWS and Storm Reply, the Reply group specialized in the design and implementation of innovative Cloud-based solutions and services.

Getting data out of the legacy mainframes and onto the AWS cloud

The transformative power of moving to the cloud

Storm Reply has built a data platform of customer information with an easy-to-use portal on top, providing great transparency to customer data, and improving scalability and agility within VWFS Italy. The proposed AWS solution made data directly accessible by aggregating information from different systems into a single environment, and the pain points concerning data protection and security were solved thanks to the support of AWS data centers.

Considering that the AWS system is built on APIs, VWFS Italy can then easily unlock the value of customer data and further strengthen its customer-centric stance.