
Testing defenses to stay up-to-date

Spike Reply offers services for security assessment and testing

Keeping IT protection effective at all times

How well can the IT or Security Operation Center detect and defend against threats? This is the most important question for security managers. One of the most effective ways to find out if critical systems such as for ERP are protected when C-Levels or IT Administrators are being attacked is testing the defenses.

From Social Engineering to Tailgating

From Social Engineering and Spear Phishing to Baiting with USB Sticks and Tailgating, Spike Reply employs common and rare techniques to test the IT protection of companies. A special focus is set on CEO fraud, initial attacks via infected PDFs or ransomware attacks.

Testing for SMB and Enterprises

Be it web applications or mobile apps, APIs, desktop software or even IOT Devices: Spike Reply thoroughly verifies device and application security to give businesses concise and risk-based recommendations which increase their security posture.

Individual reports and consultations provide an excellent overview of identified vulnerabilities and their associated risks. Along with this come detailed mitigation recommendations and transparent insights into next-gen test approaches. An executive summary and comprehensible rating schemes will support clients in addressing the most urgent threats first.

Testing for Software Development and CI/CD

Spike Reply supports Software Engineers on their journey to market-ready, secured products while securing Software Development Processes and CI/CD pipelines.

In the context of Security by Design, methods like Evil Personas and Threat Modeling in the early conception stages will prevent avoidable vulnerabilities. Secure Coding seminars build additional expertise within development teams of companies. Static and Dynamic Code Analysis enable teams to identify vulnerabilities as early and cost-efficiently as possible.

IT and OT Infrastructure Security Testing

Spike Reply offers fast and efficient Infrastructure Security Assessments to address vulnerabilities and potential threats in the infrastructure.

Additionally, the consultants can provide consultation for IT strategy's long-term development by aligning business, technology, and people securely.

Red Teaming

Companies that already have a sound security baseline in place can profit from Spike Reply’s Red Teaming service. It is dedicated to organizations with high security maturity and risk potential.

The Red Team consisting of vulnerability researchers, penetration testers and ethical hackers, simulates attack patterns, techniques and tactics, as real-world adversaries would use them.

Benefits of Spike Reply

Spike Reply will support clients in making their defenses impenetrable by supporting with up-to-date testing and security awareness services.



with numerous identified vulnerabilities in solutions


A custom and proprietary toolset

such as self-written Burp Suite plugins, fuzzing vectors, custom-emulation tools, various scripts, and reporting helpers


Quality assurance KPIs

to ensure consistent, high-quality reporting


Highly skilled and certified testers


Spike Reply is the company within the Reply Group focusing on cybersecurity and personal data protection. Its mission is to safeguard the values and privacy of people, companies and processes in order to support the growth of a global, sustainable digital world through innovation. Confidentiality, integrity and availability of systems are top priorities. Together with its partners, the company provides vendor-independent consulting services to help enterprises achieve a group-wide, security-oriented culture.