Somet Energia expands its IT infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud with the design and development of new services related to the world of payments, thanks to the support of Red Reply.
Somet Energia is a company that supplies natural gas for domestic and industrial use. The company owns a complex IT infrastructure, mainly on-premise, necessary to provide services to its customers.
Faced with the need for a high-performance and scalable payment system, Somet Energia decided to undertake a migration path to the cloud. The correct design and implementation of the infrastructure is in fact one of the determining factors for the company's efficiency and profitability.
Red Reply, a company specialized in the implementation and supply of specialized services on the Oracle Cloud, supported Somet Energia in the Cloud Adoption process with a view to expanding the IT infrastructure and enjoying the benefits offered by the Cloud, aimed at guaranteeing reliability, resilience and high availability.
As an Oracle Managed Service Provider, Red Reply designed and implemented the Cloud infrastructure for Somet Energia’s payment model management system, guaranteeing reliability and service continuity.
The advantages that resulted from the choice of the OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) solution were many: from maintaining efficiency in the communication of its interfaces with remote systems and clients, to efficient network communication with the on-premise DC (via IPSec VPN), to support in defining the boundaries of responsibility between the various third-party providers.
The solution adopted included the use of various OCI features, necessary for the execution and distribution of the workload, the maintenance of adequate security levels, resource management and backup management.
Somet Energia deals with the supply of natural gas, directly selling methane gas for domestic, condominium, artisanal and industrial use, with the aim of developing energy solutions that meet the needs of all customers, establishing a close working relationship, providing a customised, high-quality service, and guaranteeing comprehensive assistance and specialised technical advice.