Governing Master Data
within Defence Logistics

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    Glue Reply, a Reply Group company that specialises in outcome focused strategy and enterprise architecture for both public and private sector organisations, received a Commended Award at the Team Defence Information, Excellence Awards 2019. The Awards recognise projects that demonstrate improvements, or potential improvements, in innovation and collaboration across defence. The commended project, titled ‘Governing Master Data within Defence Logistics’, marks the second time the strategy and architecture specialist has received an award at the Team Defence Information Excellence Awards. Having previously received an award in 2017 for a joint project titled, ‘BIWMS R2’ (Base Inventory and Warehouse Management Services). Glue reply has now won the same award two years out of three.

The Scenario

The Governing Master Data within Defence Logistics project sought to bring into focus the challenge of identifying and managing the key master data pertinent in the prosecution of Defence Logistics activities.

This included identifying where a master data component enters the MOD data supply chain, where it is mastered and how it is subsequently shared between applications.

Data feeding critical decision making processes may be reinterpreted and consequently be open to challenge where the source of the Master Data is not clear.

The Solution

To improve trust in the quality of the data, and increase understanding of how, more accurate data enables Defence Logistics to make better informed decisions, the project focused on events or processes likely to negatively impact data quality. The techniques used have enabled Defence Logistics to develop a single view of their core data capabilities.

Finally, using industry best practices, the project proposed a framework to improve the management, governance and control of master data. The project also provided a clear roadmap to improve the management of Master Data and Data Quality and raise the understanding and maturity of data capabilities.

Collaborative Approach

This was a highly collaborative project, involving various DE&S functions, Front Line Commands and major supplier support including BAES, Boeing Defence UK and LEIDOS. This approach enabled the Defence Logistics data ecosystem to be viewed from various perspectives. And to discover how attitudes, understanding of responsibilities and compliance with policy towards data varied in the different elements of the information flow.


Workshops: 8 workshops were conducted at across five locations (Abbey Wood, Andover, Portsmouth, Coningsby & High Wycombe)

Interviews with over 50 stakeholders covering: policy, process, information flows, business intelligence, IT architecture, supply, planning, mechanical engineering, asset management, and financial management.

Policy Reviews

Policy reviews including documents: NATO handbook; JSP 886; DEF STAN 81-41 Defence Packaging & DEF STAN 00-600 Integrated Logistics Support Requirements.

Reference portals: DAR, LNECA, LCIA, MoD Glossary.

Standards referenced: ISO 8000 - Data Quality and Master Data Exchange, particularly parts 8, 61, 110 and 150.

Consulted with partners, projects and programmes including: LEIDOS, BAES, BDUK, DE&S (CIO, DEF SCOR, MIRANDA, SEOC, SCIS) ISS, DAI(MI), DIO, NCHQ, Army HQ, Air Command and Typhoon.

Application Catalogue Rationalisation

With over 1,200 ‘Applications’ across the ACDS Def Log landscape, the Applications were rationalised to 80 Applications, separated into two sets: core and associate.

Core Applications: recognised and used across branches of MoD through the logistics lifecycle.

Associate Applications: those used predominately within a MoD branch/domain, a military arm, a supporting business domain or supporting a Core Application.

Master Data Components

Key Master Data components were identified by modelling the high level business processes and information flows between the applications, and mapping these to the Information Reference Model that was developed as part of the project.

The interface control documents (ICDs) were also reviewed to assess the data quality governance rules.

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    Glue Reply is the Reply company specialising in Architecture and are the only UK headquartered architecture specialist recognised in the Gartner Market Guide for Business-Outcome-Driven Enterprise Architecture Consulting. Glue Reply is an outcome focused strategy & enterprise architecture specialist, trusted by public and private sector organisations alike to solve complex problems. Glue Reply helps its clients succeed by turning strategy into tangible solutions and vision into practical outcomes. Glue Reply diagnoses the challenges and advises on the way to make real impact – enabling its clients to deliver. Learn more about Glue Reply here