Declaration of non-financial data
The company, in accordance with the provisions of article 5 (3) (b) of Legislative Decree No 254/2016, has prepared the consolidated declaration of a non-financial nature which constitutes a separate report. The consolidated declaration of non-financial data 2020, drafted in accordance with the "GRI Standards" reporting standard, is available on the Group website
Other information
Research and development activities
Reply offers high technology services and solutions in a market where innovation is of primary importance.
Reply considers research and continuous innovation a fundamental asset in supporting clients with the adoption of new technology.
Reply dedicates resources to Research and Development activities in order to project and define highly innovative products and services as well as possible applications of evolving technologies. In this context, Reply has developed of its own platforms.
Reply has important partnerships with major global vendors so as to offer the most suitable solutions to different company needs. Specifically, Reply boasts the highest level of certification amongst the technology leaders in the Enterprise sector.
Human resources
Human resources constitute a primary asset for Reply which bases its strategy on the quality of products and services and places continuous attention on the growth of personnel and in-depth examination of professional necessities with consequent definitions of needs and training courses.
The Reply Group is comprised of professionals originating from the best universities and polytechnics. The Group intends to continue investing in human resources by bonding special relations and collaboration with major universities with the scope of attracting highly qualified personnel.
The people who work at Reply are characterized by enthusiasm, expertise, methodology, team spirit, initiative, the capability of understanding the context they work in and of clearly communicating the solutions proposed. The capability of imagining, experimenting and studying new solutions enables more rapid and efficient innovation.
The group intends to maintain these distinctive features by increasing investments in training and collaboration with universities.
At the end of 2020 the Group had 9,059 employees compared to 8,157 in 2019.
The governance model of the Group privacy policy reflects what is required by the existing code for the protection of personal data and the European Regulation 679/16 (GDPR).
Privacy fulfilments are managed uniformly at the Reply Group level in order to maintain adequate levels of internal coherence and to facilitate external relations, in particular with authorities, customers and suppliers.
To ensure compliance the Group has adopted a GDPR program which provides several activities including:
updating the Group privacy organizational model;
designation for each Region of a Data Protection Officer;
GDPR training at all business levels;
assessment of privacy and security of IT central services;
drafting of Records of the treatment activities;
development and dissemination of new processes.
Transactions with related parties and Group companies
During the period, there were no transactions with related parties, including intergroup transactions, which qualified as unusual or atypical. Any related party transactions formed part of the normal business activities of companies in the Group. Such transactions are concluded at standard market terms for the nature of goods and/or services offered, these transactions took place in accordance with the internal procedures containing the rules aimed at ensuring transparency and fairness, under Consob Regulation 17221/2010.
The company in the notes to the financial statements and consolidated financial statements provides the information required pursuant to Art. 154-ter of the TUF [Consolidated Financial Act] as indicated by Consob Reg. no. 17221 of 12 March 2010 and subsequent Consob Resolution no. 17389 of June 23, 2010, indicating that there were no significant transactions concluded during the period as defined by Art. 4, paragraph 1, let a) of the aforementioned regulation that have significantly affected the Group's financial or economic position. The information pursuant to Consob communication of 28 July 2006 are presented in the annexed tables herein to the consolidated financial statements and Reply financial statements.
Treasury shares
At the balance sheet date, the Parent Company holds 4,028 treasury shares amounting to 24,502 Euros, nominal value equal to 524 Euros; at the balance sheet item net equity, the company has posted an unavailable reserve for the same amount.
At the balance sheet date, the Company does not hold shares of other holding companies.
Financial instruments
In relation to the use of financial instruments, the company has adopted a policy for risk management through the use of financial derivatives, with the scope of reducing the exposure to interest rate risks on financial loans.
Such financial instruments are considered as hedging instruments as they can be traced to the object being hedged (in terms of amount and expiry date).
In the notes to the financial statements more detail is provided to the above operations.
The first months of 2021 were characterized by a resurgence of the pandemic that is still putting a strain on the economy, on society and on the very resilience of people. Despite the complexity of the situation, since the beginning of the year Reply has further consolidated its leadership on new technologies and digital transformation by investing in new skills and extending its geographical presence.
In this regard, it should be emphasized that the organizational structure (including the supplier ecosystem), the financial solidity of the Group, the diversification of the business in various countries, markets and industrial sectors, has allowed to act /react quickly, implementing locally all the actions necessary to minimize the impacts of the pandemic on operational activities.
The current scenario is constantly evolving and it is very difficult to make predictions about the future in the short and medium term. Reply's structure, due to its network characteristics, which give granularity, flexibility and territorial distribution, together with the widespread use of the most innovative communication technologies, guarantee the capability for reaction and rapid adaptation to minimize the impacts of the pandemic on the Group's business.
The past few months have, in any case, definitively changed the perception of technology by all companies. Today even the most traditional and conservative have realized that the digitization of processes, the cloud and artificial intelligence are indispensable to restart and be competitive in an increasingly connected and digital world.
This transformation is irreversible and, while dramatic for some, opens up new potential opportunities for companies like Reply. High-speed communication software infrastructure, e-commerce, new digital experiences and a strong push towards automation are, in fact, the founding elements of the economy in the coming years.
The financial statements at year end 2020 of Reply S.p.A. prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), recorded a net income amounting to 73,407,227 Euros and net shareholders' equity on 31 December 2020 amounted to 467,513,909 Euros thus formed:
The Board of Directors in submitting to the Shareholders the approval of the financial statements (Separate Statements) as at 31 December 2020 showing a net result of 73,407,227 Euros, proposes that the shareholders resolve:
to approve the financial statement (Separate Statements) of Reply S.p.A. which records net profit for the financial year of 73,407,227 Euros;
to approve the motion to allocate the net result of 73,407,227 as follows:
a unit dividend to shareholders amounting to 0,56 Euros for each ordinary share with a right, therefore excluding treasury shares, with payment date fixed on 5 May 2021, coupon cut-off date 3 May 2021 and record date, determined in accordance with Article 83-terdecies of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 set on 4 May 2021;
having the Legal reserve reached the limit of one fifth of the share capital pursuant to article 2430 of the Italian Civil Code, the residual amount to be allocated to the Retained earnings reserve;
to approve, pursuant to Article 22 of the Articles of association, the proposal of the Remuneration Committee to distribute to Directors entrusted with operational powers, a shareholding of the profits of the Parent Company, to be established in the amount of 3,150,000.00 Euros.
Turin, 15 March 2021
/s/ Mario Rizzante
For the Board of Directors
The Chairman
Mario Rizzante