Data Reply @ Xchange 2020
This year, Reply had its first ever fully digital Xchange taking place from the 13th - 17th July 2020. Xchange is the Reply group's annual flagship event where Replyers from all brands explore and present how innovation and technologies are impacting business models and customer experience. Five days, 87 sessions, including 11 Show Me How’s, and 4 Death Matches, dedicated to topics such as AI, data, quantum computing, and all the new tech trends that will be shaping our jobs and our lives in the years to come!Data Reply was certainly one of the most excited teams at Xchange 2020. Although the team could not meet in person for this highly anticipated annual event, we made up for it by creating a fun video that showed what's unique about Data Reply, the team spirit, culture, and the way we live our #LifeAtReply.

Best Place to Work 2020
We are very intentional about creating and maintaining a great workplace and being recognised for that (two times in a row!) is an incredible honour. We are proud to say that Data Reply was named as the #1 Best Place to Work at Reply UK during Xchange 2020. It is something Data Replyers know in their hearts. It is all of our incredible employees whose daily actions make Data Reply such an amazing workplace. The sense of purpose we share, working together to drive the results that make this a phenomenal team with values and authenticity.As Fabio Ardossi, Partner at Data Reply UK puts it, "I know there is still a lot to be done but being recognised in this way lets me know that we're moving in the right direction. I'm proud to be on this journey with my team."

Together, we have come a long way. But as we go forward there's no time for complacency, and no resting on our laurels. We need to work hard to maintain this honour. Because in the end, it's not about pride in winning awards. It's about working as a team to build a truly world class company, results driven and value-led.