PostgreSQL Database Support

Atlas Reply Roma supports a major Italian Bank Operator in managing and maintaining the PostgreSQL database infrastructure, which is strategic for the provision of key services.

Database Management

In particular, the support operates as a third level support:

  • Give support for SQL procedures and scripts in order to fix application issues;

  • Help the customer to manage authentication and security issues regarding the PostgreSQL infrastructure;

  • Manage PostgreSQL Replication for databases tables.

The main goals were set as below:

  • Manage in the shortest time application and database issues that impacts on main products in order to provide reliable customer service;

  • Create a heterogeneous working group composed by developers and database experts, in order to complete applications development in time with expectations;

  • Rely on a group of specialists to face the challenges that arise in the future.


In the old organization there were only few specialists that worked on different applications and products on different technologies. The requests where made in different ways, for example with mail, or opening tickets with a non-standardized template.

The main challange at the beginning was to cooperate with the bank operator to converge to a standardized model of working, showing to all working group this new approach.

Our solutions

Atlas Reply Roma proposes these solutions to help the Bank Operator:


Explore all PostgreSQL infrastructure present in the company infrastructure and register all databases services creating an architectural map and finally avoid any misunderstanding of perimeters.


Help the customer to standardize the activation


Providing the best DB support