Case Study

Analyze Training Data with ElasticSearch and Jasper Reports


CNHi can harness the power of training data with our customized reporting system

CNHi can unlock the Power of Data with Our Custom Training Reporting System CNHi Training professionals need to harness the full potential of data generated by their Global Dealer LMS platform, that’s why we have introduced a Custom Reporting System, meticulously crafted to meet the unique needs of CNHi Training departments. Powered by cutting-edge Open Source technologies including JasperReports, ElasticSearch, Highcharts and iText libraries, our system offers a reliable and cost-effective set of capabilities in data analysis, visualization and reporting. Here's what sets us apart:

  • No license Fees: our reporting system is entirely based on Open Source technologies, with no annual fees or license costs.

  • Custom Report Templates: With JasperReports, Training professional can define tailored report templates perfectly suited to CNHi organization's requirements.

  • Robust Data Management: Leveraging the power of ElasticSearch, our system seamlessly handles vast amounts of data, allowing for efficient storage, retrieval, and analysis with lightning speed.

  • Dynamic Visualizations: Utilizing the Highcharts library, CNHi can transform raw data into interactive charts and graphs, making it easy to spot trends and training patterns.

  • PDF Export: with iText libraries, exporting reports in PDF format is a breeze, as well as in CSV and Excel formats.

Contact us to learn more about how our Custom Reporting System can be integrated into your LMS to unlock the power of your enterprise training data!