4brands Reply offers expertise and project experience in the consumer goods industry for individual solutions with SAP S/4HANA.
Changes in markets, in the global economy and new technological achievements are completely redefining the competitive field. This includes several current trends.
The significance of digital transformation is becoming increasingly clear due to volatile markets, especially in times of increasing globalisation.
Crises like the corona pandemic show once again the relevance of digitisation and location-independent access to business processes. The "new normal" is digital.
New technologies move and dominate the market. Market trends are derived from existing data in the so-called Big Data approach. Recurring business processes are accelerated with Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Stock levels are recorded and transmitted using the IOT, to enable automated re-ordering.
One particularly important aspect of this is the cloud. The idea of putting data in the cloud is still met with uncertainty by many companies. However, SAP's product strategy focuses on cloud products as well. By hosting the systems with renowned large cloud providers, a significantly higher level of data security is achieved than when operating in the company's own data centre.
The trend towards individualisation presents companies with the challenge of making customised products economically viable despite increased complexity.
4brands Reply as an experienced companion on the way to the intelligent company
Companies are supported by 4brands Reply's experts who have many years of consulting experience in various specialist areas, which they bring into projects in the form of SAP module knowledge and SAP S/4HANA certificates.
The advantages
Traditional module consulting (finance, controlling, sales, production planning, materials management, project systems and more)
SAP S/4HANA certified consultants
Optimisation and automation (RPA) of business processes
Experience with on-premises, cloud and hybrid solutions
4brands Reply as a partner throughout the entire product life cycle
The team from 4brands Reply accompanies transformation projects, from the idea through to implementation, to go-live and beyond.
The advantages
Strategic realignment of IT with SAP S/4HANA as the driving force
From the proof of concept to the application management service
SAP S/4HANA transformation as a 360° service with "redesign", "restructure", "rebuild" and ultimately "restart" as an intelligent company
4brands Reply as a trusted support partner
Thanks to a combination of agile and standardised project procedures, the projects always stay on track. Precisely positioned project accelerators provide the necessary speed in the right places.
The advantages
With SAP Activate Best Practices, you combine proven implementation methods and tools for configuration and can thus accelerate deployment
Efficient project organisation with project dashboards
Implement new strategies, structures and processes optimally thanks to change management
Achieve qualitative results with the help of a well-thought-out test management process
Consultants with certified SAP project and programme management expertise (traditional and agile)
Find the right migration strategy with 4brands Reply
New functionalities of the SAP Migration Cockpit (1909) allow companies to decide for themselves which data is relevant.
The advantages
Consolidate ERP systems into a central SAP S/4HANA system with the help of SAP Landscape Transformation (LT)
SAP Migration Cockpit (1909) – Selective data transfers to validate the relevant data in advance and migrate without problems
Develop a migration strategy for prototypes and interfaces
Experience SAP S/4hana individually from the first minute
Customer Company is a SAP S/4HANA core system individually tailored to customer requirements by 4brands Reply using selected best practices.
The advantages
Learn what the future could look like with SAP S/4HANA right at the start of the project
An individual user experience from the very first day
Coordinated workshops to introduce functions of best practice processes within the company while, at the same time, identifying existing gaps
Optimise the processes of tomorrow based on SAP best practices
The team has gained project experience with SAP S/4HANA over a period covering several years. This enables the experts to find both quick as well as thorough solutions for companies in the consumer goods industry.
4brands Reply specializes in the consumer goods industry and supports companies in the design of their individual digital transformation processes with innovative IT technologies. 4brands Reply's approach focuses on the consumer with his Customer Journey, which covers the entire value chain of the company. The offer includes process consulting and system integration for the core areas of Customer Experience Management, Revenue Growth Management, management of Demand-driven Supply Chains, Enterprise Management and management of a Digital Data Platform.