There is one simple rule: the more effort you put into data preparation in input management, the more efficiently the higher quality data can be used in subsequent processes.
The flexible combination of input management modules from Macros Reply and the Macros eNform process line run invisibly in the background and allow you to optimise each relevant step of incoming mail processing: incoming documents are scanned, classified automatically with OCR/ICR technology if required, detected and verified, and automatically distributed to team, group or employee post baskets. Documents that do not require human handling can be processed "in the dark". Whether e-mails, letters, faxes or other channels: thanks to the introduction of a modern input management solution, the entire incoming correspondence can be processed efficiently and intelligently.
Macros eScan first digitizes all paper documents stack-by-stack and records any initial data.
Macros eNform “retrieves” the documents, which are now available digitally. Based on initial criteria, eNform ensures the documents are sent for detection and indexing. However, automatic processing (dark processing) can also be triggered here. In doing so, eNform also taps electronic channels such as e-mail boxes, fax servers, web portals or other incoming channels.
In this step, the electronic documents are classified (invoice, application, etc.), data are extracted, compared with other systems and given additional attributes. Depending on the volume of documents, either automatic OCR/ICR solutions from our partners (such as smart FIX from Insiders Technologies), or the in-house product Macros eIndex, are used for classification and indexing. The index client Macros eIndex is worthwhile for all companies looking for a low-cost version for the semi-automatic indexing of smaller input volumes.
With Macros eDistribute, the processed data, messages or documents are sent to the correct inbox. The distribution is based on rules, which can be defined independently by the departments.
Macros eViewer displays digital documents in popular archive formats (jpeg, tiff, gif, etc.) as well as PDF and PDF/A documents. Comprehensive functionalities for processing are available.