Success Story:
Modernising SQL Data Warehouses at a FSI Organisation
As part of the digitalization process of the Market Data Management system, Reply has actively supported a FSI customer for the implementation of the new MDP - Market Data Platform. Based on the AWS Datawarehouse technology, the MDP supports the delicate processes of pre-trading through Advanced Analytics techniques, making available at the same time. The solution adopted consists of a Redshift DataWarehouse allowing the optimised and structured management of a large amount of data. In particular, the MDP system collects data from about 500 flows from about 60 market keepers and TSO (Bloomberg, EEX, Trayport, Reuters, Wattsight, GME, Terna, etc.) and internal data from forecasting analyses of strategic units and data analysis.
- Automation and optimization of data process which decreased time consuming and improved the quality and the management of high quantity of data
- Data manipulated and stored in a unique central DB
- Central point of collection of daily market data from more than 60 providers
- Reports available in a Unique Repository BI centralized (130+ reports)