11th September 2018
Congresstraat / Rue du Congrès 5 1000 - Brussels - Belgium
The European Central Bank has requested all banks using the IRB approach to submit an application package by December 2018 for the implementation of the new definition of default. The extent of the application package and the range of methodological assumptions for the preparation of the impact assessment has led Avantage Reply to organise an industry brainstorming session.
Avantage Reply hosts its new definition of default breakfast on the 11th of September in their premises.
8:30 – 8:45 Registration and welcoming address8:45 – 9:45 Brainstorming on the new definition of defaultFacilitated by Jonathan Van Malleghem, Senior Manager with Avantage Reply. During this session, all the participants will brainstorm on the application package and the methodology for its preparation.9:45 – 10:00 Closing remarks and Q&A
For any questions and registration: