
Cornerstone OnDemand Partnership

Aktive Reply, a Reply company specialized in Digital Content Integration and Delivery, announced its partnership with Cornerstone OnDemand, leader provider of cloud software for employee internal training and management. The companies will work together in synergy in order to provide solutions for Human Capital Management (HCM). HCM covers of a wide set of areas: from hiring to on-boarding, training and performance monitoring.

This partnership gives rise to cohesive union of Cornerstone's innovative unified cloud platform for human resources management with Aktive Reply's professional competences In Talent Management and LMS (Learning Management System) to provide a 360° approach in workforce management, from learning, historic field of expertise of Aktive Reply, to recruiting, without losing the focus on improving and exploiting the employees' competences.

The Aktive Reply Cornerstone certified professionals will help customers select, implement and optimize the right talent management strategy, identifying the correct and unique approach for any organizations, according to its size and market (automotive, retail, healthcare, financial among others).